What Is A Golden Ale
Golden Ales, also called Blonde Ales, are relatively young compared to other styles in the beer world. Known for its simplicity, the American Golden Ale was invented by small breweries in the 1970s-1980s as an “approachable” craft beer. As expected by their name, they are straw or gold in color, putting them in the Pale Ale category.
Flavor wise, these sunny-hued brews are simple and straight forward. They are balanced with a little bit of sweetness, light maltiness and a hint of familiar citrus flavors. Considered clear, crisp and dry with little to no after-taste. And with a modest alcohol content around 4-5% ABV, this brew is a light, easy-drinking alternative to heavier beers or hoppier IPAs.

Styles of Golden Ale
There are two main styles: American and Belgian. The American Golden Ale’s roots date back to the 1800s when German immigrants began brewing lighter pilsners. But this style didn’t get its start until breweries began serving it as a “gateway beer” into the craft beer world. Its classic taste and low ABV made it easy to drink, comparable to the more commercial lagers.
Its counterpart, the Belgian Style, has a similar straw color and light body – but comes with a stronger alcoholic character (ranging from 7-11% ABV). Although it uses flavors from pilsner malts, there is more emphasis on the hops. The result is a strong floral aroma, semi-fruity flavor and medium bitterness.
At Red Shed

Otsego Golden Ale is one of our flagship beers, available year-round on tap and in 4-packs of cans. Brewed with delicate pilsner malts and light spicy hops, Otsego is a low to medium-bodied ale. It is fresh, clear and crisp, described as “Perfect sunshine in a glass.” A crowd pleaser, our customers say it reminds them of “sitting around a bonfire in the fall” and “tailgating at their favorite sports team’s event.”